Kids & Youth
We love kids and want our children and young people to be on a mission for Jesus too.
Our Sunday meetings start with all the family together. At about 11am our kids and youth groups start.
On Sunday mornings we have two kids groups – Little Sparks and Livewires.
Little Sparks is for babies and children aged 0-4. It’s a safe and friendly environment where children can learn about God. We sing songs, play together, hear a short Bible story and do a related craft activity.
Livewires runs for primary school aged children. We have lots of fun learning about Jesus, making crazy crafts and playing games.
We believe that young people are a key part of our church family and are passionate about giving every young person the opportunity to explore a personal faith in Jesus.
Sunday Morning Youth – as part of our Sunday morning church gatherings, we have a specific time set aside for young people to explore some of life’s biggest questions, to discuss the Bible together and to pray for one another. Once a month, the young people serve in the church on one of the teams.
Friday Night Hangout – twice a month we host an evening of games, snacks and sports at The Arc Community Hub. This is a safe space that young people aged 11-15 of all backgrounds invite their friends to, to hangout and socialise together.
If you have Secondary School age young people who are interested in joining our Youth group, then please contact admin@thewellchurch.org and we will put you in contact with our youth leaders, Matt and Laura.
The Well Church recognises the need to provide a safe and caring environment for children and young people.
Find our Safeguarding Policy here: